Tap Search in the bottom left of the screen and the application will try to locate your position on the trail.
Due to the lack of footpaths in certain areas we would not recommend the entirety of the trail to those with assisted mobility or groups of small children, please contact us and we can advise which parts of the trail might be suitable.
The Trail (offline)
School Lay-By
The Sidlesham LSA Heritage Trail starts from the primary school car park, Keynor Lane, PO20 7NL (OS GR 978847).
Opposite the school car park are two semi-detached LSA houses (No 1&2) built in 1935, by Stirland Builders (Birdham) at a cost of ^50.
The smallholdings, numbered sequentially (1-144) across the whole LSA, were initially known by their estate number (eg: 2 Keynor). After the closure in 1983 the Post Office allowed properties to have names as well as numbers (eg Numereuxdeux).
Packing Shed
Keynor Farm (Industrial Estate) was the LSA Packing Shed, Stores & Offices. All the tenants' produce was brought here to be graded, packed and sent off to market. In addition to the 120 tenants, the LSA was major employer in the area. Packing Shed Managers included Cyril Cooper (pre-1958, retired 1978) and David Lancaster (1978). Assistant managers/staff included Bill Campbell (his 2 brothers Mick & Alan still have their old holdings), John Cawte (left August 1968 Bulletin No 1026), George Umpleby from Jan 1969, promoted to Manager at Chawston LSA December 1970 (LSA Bulletin No 1153), David Lancaster 1976 (LSA Bulletin No 1449), R. Elliott (1978- ), N Cordery 1982 (LSA Bulletin No 1745) transferred to Potton LSA), and Miss S Dickin 1982 (LSA Bulletin No 1754) + David Gemmill (moved to props), Chris Dart (moved to props), Alan Tarrant (previously from Newent), Mrs Lawrence 1967 (LSA Bulletin No 962).
Selling privately ('flogging') was an offence : "He was selling more down the Highleigh Pound than was going to packing shed and he got his cards".
The offices was located adjacent to the packing shed where staff marketed the produce and managed tenants' accounts. The estate accountant included Eric Wiseman (moved to Newbourn in 1961), A Coldwell (from May 1961, left May 1967), Ken Batchelor (1968-78) and Kenneth Cotton (from September 1978). Other office staff: Norman Crees (1960s), C F Kingham, Personnel Manager (passed away 1069 (LSA Bulletin No 1076), Bob Middlemas (wages) left March 1967 (LSA Bulletin No 959), Mrs Campbell (1967), C Baines (Aug 1966), Doug Moorey (Assistant Accountant), Miss Woodland (resigned December 1982, Mrs Neller (wages) (retired April 1982), then Susan Parks took over.
The stores, now Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital, stocked over '800 items' Storekeeper's names are recorded in the LSA Bulletins - G. C. 'Nobby' Clarke (pre-1958. retired Jan 1976) and then D. Thompson.
LSA transport was based here (and First Avenue, Batchmere).
Lorry drivers included Peter Jackson (31), Johnnie Barrell (102), Archie Carver, Sammy McCall and 'Wink' Edwards, who lived in a cottage on Easton Lane and his last job was ditching.
Tractor drivers included Wink Edwards & lorries, Glad & Harold Downey, Archie Carver No 35) & lorries, Bill Stubbs Ken Wood, Bill (Bowser) Bull, known as "Bowser" because of his devotion to Callard and Bowser sweets, a very thick Sussex accent and difficult to understand, and Reg Collyer (77).
Selsey Road
To the right of the T junction with Selsey Road was The Jolly Fisherman Pub, Combes Bakery and further down Mill Lane Gnapps Stores where locals could place their grocery orders for delivery. The Crab & Lobster at Sidlesham Quay was a favourite watering hole for the tractor drivers. (See 'More' for other local businesses at the time of the LSA).
Pound Inn
With your back to Highleigh Road, the property on the opposite side of the road (Highleigh Pound) was the 17th century Pound Inn, a local for the earliest LSA tenants who used the footpaths across the fields from Lockgate Road and Almodington, known locally as Piggery Lane.
First Avenue (No's 94-107)
Second Avenue (Nos 111-117)
Edward VIII visited the LSA. The back of the original photograph read Birdham 1936. At that time the eastern side of Almodington Lane was in Sidlesham and the western side in Birdham - now both are in Earnley Parish Council. It is well documented that royalty often visited the 'depressed areas' to maintain morale during the 1930s. The windows in the barn in the photograph are a similar design to those in the buildings now standing at the end of Second Avenue.
Third Avenue (Nos 119-128)
The 1939 Census shows records for the Hermitage & Bottle cottage between Nos 118 & 119.
At that time Jack & Gertrude Lambert were in The Hermitage. Jack's occupation was listed as Farm & Estate Manager. Kate Hoare was at Bottle Cottage (unpaid domestic duties)
The early tenants kept pigs and chickens as part of the LSA. Some tenants kept additional livestock for their own use - goats (above), rabbits (No 86) and the Booths (No 15) had a cow!

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This app is intended for use on the site at Sidlesham where there is no mobile phone signal, the contents of the trail has been saved to your phone, if you don't have GPS just scroll to the next set of instructions, if you do have GPS, enable it, and when your browser asks you to allow the user of location information say yes, then click the search button again and if you are within the area of a Location on the trail it will scroll the screen to that information.